Sunday, 20 September 2015

The Incredible Bulk(head)

Decided to tackle the bulkhead cross piece, so I can get the front of the body to the actual height it's supposed to be and not where Bodge decided it should go!

The fact that the centre of it had collapsed was a sure indication that something was a tad wrong...

Ignore the brake fluid, that's just seasoning

And the badly welded bit in the middle inspired confidence... confidence in what I'm not quite sure but it certainly wasn't in the structural integrity of the car :P

There was something nicely satisfying about ripping the cruddy piece of rot encrusted metal out :)

That's a nice repair in the middle of something that helps hold the front end up!

And I finally got rid of the zip tie that had been put there to stop the clutch cable coming too far forward, rather than just make a stop plate...

I took the cable off the pedal and actually made the aforementioned stop plate, but never got round to cutting the zip tie off :P

Then I tried to trial fit the new cross piece... it wouldn't fit as the front is STILL not high enough!!!
(I forgot to take a pic but just imagine a piece that's meant to fit somewhere not fitting where it's supposed to)

I had some excitement too, when a cutting disc decided that it would rather be a piece of abstract art!

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