Friday, 5 June 2015


Just after I'd got my member out (oooer missus!) I had a visitor...

By the time I'd done the work on the new crossmember my visitor (not even my cat!) had obviously got so tired out with the hard labour that he fell asleep :P
Everybody needs a floorpan for a pillow!

With me being a softy (anybody spreads that information and I'll hunt you down!) I couldn't bring myself to shift the big lump... so I got on with my 'custom' exhaust (an essential part of the rebuild...not!)

My spare exhaust had spent a year sat outside, most of the time in a puddle, so wasn't in the best of conditions...

The other end had rusted through and fell off, but I forgot to take a photo so you'll just have to use your imagination... it was a bit like this, only worse, with holes in it, a bit like a brown swiss cheese :P

My plan was (I'll explain why it's "was" in a moment) to cut the rotten part out, turn the pipe around, weld the tailpipe on the end... unfortunately when I tried it for size, luckily before welding anything, I discovered that the tailpipes would be sticking out at least 12 inches behind the car! Oopsy ;)
 I've cut the pipes shorter, but again forgot to take photos, so you'll have to make do with a pic of the silencer being cleaned...
I'll take the pics of the shorter pipes/etc if it stops raining today!

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