Sunday, 14 June 2015

Indiana Bodge and the Rear Wheel Arch of Doom...

Before I get on to the tale of the wheel arch, here's a shot or two of the crossmember trial fitted...
It's nice to see some solid metal, even if it's not welded in yet :P

And now for our main feature!

I can't remember if I showed this bit...
That's where I put a hammer through the wheel arch on the inside!

This is where I put a hammer through the wheel arch on the outside ;)
I may have put a hammer through both sides of the rear wheel arch, and there may be a hole all the way through, but it wasn't the same piece of metal... Bodge had been at it again!

I'm not entirely sure how many layers there are, but it's more than two!
And this is what I took out...
It's the Book of Wheelarch :P

Thought I'd do a trial fit of the rear quarter panel against the crossmember, just so I could end the day with some hope ;)
The quarter panel can't go in far enough yet as there's still some of the old metal to cut out...

And to finish on a different topic... I can't find the stencil I made for my Death Race logo, so I just cut it out of the old rusty wing and I'll rivet it onto the new one :)


  1. Nice to see progress being made dude! Have you got the body off to get at the naps hat?

    1. I have the front of the body raised slightly and propped up... but considering that I'm only replacing the end of the hat and the fact there's no wheel arch there, or even any bulkhead, I don't need to take the body off ;)
      There wasn't much holding the body and chassis together anyway :P
